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Student Activities

Student Activities

Friday we started our fall fundraiser with Yankee Candle Fundraising. Students are selling candles, home décor, & wrapping paper for the upcoming holidays. You have 2 choices to sell: through the catalog or online.
If you are selling online, please be sure to register for an account to get your “Seller ID” This will make sure your child gets credit in their class for all their sales and the money will return to their classroom. Go to and go to Seller Login. Sign up to become a seller and once you have completed the process, you will get a final email with your Seller ID. You will need our group #: 990103635 to make the account. There is also a free app you can download for easier selling.
All money raised by this fundraiser is for classroom funds & teacher wish lists. All orders must be turned in by Monday, October 7.
#yankeecandlefundraising #yankeecandles #fallfundraiser #desertadventistacademy